3 Year Old Preschool students thrive in bright, open classrooms that encourage play, exploration and curiosity. The 3 Year Old program expands social and emotional skills daily through engaging learning centers and animated group play. We support social emotional learning through our Zones of Regulation curriculum focused on self-regulation, paired with opportunities for prayerful reflection through the Stories of God’s Love curriculum and opportunities to visit the Prayer Corner in each classroom.
Teachers help develop early literacy, STEM and executive functioning skills with fun, academic routines and hands-on activities. Fine and gross motor skill development is enhanced through play-based activities and projects that engage curious young minds. Our instruction is guided by the Handwriting Without Tears and Rush Neurobehavioral Center Executive Function curricula. Our students are known and honored through our focus on the development of the whole child, and they learn of God’s unconditional love for them in a developmentally appropriate Catholic preschool setting rooted in our Christian faith. We work hard to ensure that students feel both comfortable and confident in our classrooms and with our teachers. Teachers focus on the importance of a strong home-school relationship and differentiate where needed to meet the educational needs of all students. When operating from this space of safe and joyful attachment, children’s curiosity and capacity for learning is boundless.
* Please note that Half-Day Students participate in morning programming only, Lunch Bunch students continue to stay for Lunch Bunch only, and Full Day students continue to stay for Lunch Bunch and Enrichment. |