Full-day Kindergarten is offered on the St. Francis Xavier School campus. Curriculum is taught by a highly collaborative faculty team dedicated to providing a strong academic foundation grounded in faith, friendship and innovation.
Kindergartners develop an age-appropriate awareness of faith through oral, written, and dramatic activities, which include daily reflections, the Bible, knowledge of liturgical seasons, feasts and holy days, participation and preparation of the Mass, and awareness of God’s presence. Technology is integrated appropriately through the use of interactive white boards and iPads, introducing Kindergartners to keyboarding, screen navigation, proper care and use of digital technology, computer etiquette, word-processing and drawing tools, and developmentally suited media resources. Kindergarten students develop and apply listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills “across the curriculum” in a balanced program of discovery through phonics, guided reading, writing activities, oral language, vocabulary, trade books, reading strategies and oral language activities. Students experience math instruction through the use of manipulatives in problem solving. Skills acquired include number recognition; one to one correspondence; classification; sequencing; graphing; counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s; addition; subtraction; valuation of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters; simple fractions; recognition of geometric shapes; identification of month, day and date; telling time to the hour and half hour; concept of multiplication and division; measurement skills; regrouping; fact families and fundamentals of sets. Science activities and experiences for our students include prediction, classification, human anatomy and physiology, botany, astronomy, ecology, zoology, earth science, and physics. Social Studies units involve concepts including ourselves, our community, the work place, our world, and our families. In Spanish, we explore simple greetings, questions and answers, ABCs, numbers 1-100, days of the week, names of holidays and holiday greetings, colors, animals, parts of the body, food and clothing. Through recess, P.E. and supervised play, Kindergartners learn the importance of good sportsmanship and team play, enjoying exercise and developing eye-hand coordination as they engage in large motor skill activities. Throughout the year, students study art enrichment, art history, dramatic expression, singing, echoing, experimentation with major and minor chords, experimentation with soft vs. loud, and rhythm band instruments. |